Grade I
There will be a small amount of plaque present on the molars and mild gingivitis which may no be grossly visible. Home dental care is required and the veterinarian may recommend a dental scale and polish of the teeth within the next few months

Grade II
The gumline will be red and inflamed. The mouth will have a noticeable odour and there will be some discomfort. A dental clean and scale is required as soon as possible (some extractions may be required) and a home dental health plan will be made for your pet to help prevent further tartar build up and maintain good dental hygiene.

Grade III
The gums will be cherry red and you may notice occasional bleeding. There will be a build up of calculus present and a painful infection of the gums. A dental clean and scale is required immediately and some extractions are likely to be required.

Grade IV
There will be chronic inflammation and infection of the mouth causing bad breath and loose teeth. Severe dental calculi will be present on the teeth causing pain and discomfort. The bacteria present in the mouth can spread through the body via the blood stream and can potentially cause damage to the kidneys, liver and heart. A dental scale and polish is required immediately. The doctor may recommend for your pet to start antibiotics prior to the dental scale and then continue for another 7-10 days after the dental treatment.
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