Thursday, 8 December 2011

Dry skin and the Itchy Pet!

With the warm and often rain filled summer months approaching, it is common for all pets to suffer from a wide variety of skin problems, due to changing weather conditions. Parasites such as fleas and flies also flourish in these conditions.

Often washing our dogs and maintaining optimum skin health (including ears) can be difficult at times and therefore it is important to use reputable "soap free" shampoos and conditioners. These will cleanse and soften the skin wihout removing essential oils needed to maintain optimum skin barriers.  Some simple signs of dry skin may include: self trauma like scratching and chewing, hair loss or dandruff. Often itching around the hind quarters such as tail base or behind the back legs can be associated with flea infestation which can cause dermatitis. Therefore, always ensure your pet is on a suitable and reliable flea prevention product such as"Frontline Plus, Advantage, Advocate, Revolution or Comfortis"

At Casula Veterinary Hospital and Elizabeth Drive Animal Hospital, we recommend that usingveterinary registered skin care products are always a better choice as they focus primarily on cleansing and moisturising the skin and coat in dogs and cats. Such brands highly recommended include: VIRBAC and DERMCARE who offer a variety of oatmeal based, soap free products that can clean, moisten and protect the skin and coat from nature's harsh weather conditions. These brands also make medicated products that aid those pets who suffer from itchy skin due to specific skin conditions that can be diagnosed by the veterinarian.

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