Monday, 4 April 2011

Rabbit Care and Husbandry

While the Easter Bunnies are hopping around, let's go through a few health and husbandry issues to help keeping your rabbits healthy and happy. 

1. Vaccinations 
Rabbits can be vaccinated against calicivirus at 10 - 12 weeks of age and annually with a booster. 
2. Handling
When handling a rabbit, the hindlegs and spine should be supported because they have very strong hindlegs and they can potentially damage their spine if they suddenly kick out. 
3. Biological facts
i. Weight - 900g to 6kg (depending on breed)
ii. Sexual maturity - 4 -7 months for males and 4 -9 months for females (dwarf breeds younger)
iii. Puberty: ~12 weeks so separate sexes at 10 weeks of age!
iv. Average life span: 6-8 years
4. Housing - the hutch should provide:
- shelter from extremes of temperature, wind and rain
- ventilation to minimize risk of exposure to fleas / mosquitoes
- hide / sleeping area
- run to allow free movement and exposure to natural light
- no wire flooring
- sufficient hay / straw for bedding that is changed regularly
- litter tray / corner for toileting
5. Exercise
- must have daily exercise outside of hutch for at least 4 hours, preferably outdoors with exposure of unfiltered light
6. Nutrition
- grass and hay should be available at all times 
- range of vegetables: leafy green vegetables like spinach leaves, bok choy, broccoli, herbs, sprouts, carrots and lettuce mixes
- fruits are offered occasionally or as a treat
- feed limited quantities, if any, pelleted food
- avoid rabbit mixes 

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