Monday, 20 September 2010

Household hazards and toxins

Grape / Raisin Intoxication
Ingestion of grapes / raisins has been associated with acute renal (kidney) failure in dogs and evidence suggests that cats may also be affected. The exact cause of renal toxicity is unknown but data indicates that the toxic component is water-soluble, and within the flesh of the grape / raisin, not the seed.
Clinical signs usually begin several hours after ingestion with vomiting / diarrhoea and lethargy / depression and proceeding to renal failure within 24 hours. Early and aggressive treatment is indicated but even so the clinical outcome might not be favourable once renal failure develops. 
If you found out that your pet has ingested grapes / raisins accidentally, please contact us (or an emergency hospital for afterhours service)as soon as possible as he / she would require immediate treatment to decontaminate and support with intravenous fluid therapy (drip line) to help minimizing exposure and absorption to the toxin.

Do you know?

Do you know that according to the NSW Companion Animals Act,
Failure to register or microchip your cat or dog as required by the Companion Animals Act attracts a maximum penalty of $880 unless your dog is restricted or declared dangerous, in which case the maximum penalty is $5,500.

Royal Canin Veterinary Range Di

We are very happy to introduce the range of  Royal Canin Diets to our 2 hospitals.
Royal Canin is established in 1967 in France. They have tailor made premium diets to suit special nutritional needs for dogs and cats in different life stages, starting from weaners & juniors through to adulthood and seniors. Also, depending on each individual's needs and their health condition, special diets for dental, skin, joints, kidney and urinary tract problems are also available.
Pet food safety is one of the main concerns of selecting a diet for your pet and Royal Canin tests the quality of the ingredients from their selected suppliers before they are accepted for use in the foods. Only meat from animals which are declared fit and healthy for human consumption would be used. Strict quality control from raw material to the packaging stage and all ingredients are completely traceable and identifiable.
Royal Canin diets are very palatable and most animals love it and the company is happy for you to return and refund you with the money if your pet doesn't eat it. They also offer a loyalty program in which buying 10 bags and receive the 11th bag FREE. Please feel free to talk to one of our staff regarding this premium diet and get a FREE sample for your pet to try.

Prevention of skin problem

There are a lot of things that we can do to prevent skin diseases. Let's go through some skin care tips with you
1. Bathing your pet in gentle shampoo like the Natural / Aloveen shampoo fortnightly and do not use human shampoo
2. Apply conditioner to your pet's coat weekly
3. Supplementing diet with Omega 3 / 6 fatty acids to help keeping your pet's coat healthy and shiny
4. Checking skin while bathing / brushing your pet - pay extra attention to their ears, in between their toes and feel all over the body for any lumps and bumps
5. Checking your pet's nails fortnightly to ensure that they are not too long
6. Monthly spot on flea treatment (e.g. advantage, advocate, revolution, frontline) would help to prevent flea infestation in your home environment and flea allergic dermatitis on your pet. Apply these products 2 days before or after bathing your pet.  
7. Looking for and removing any weeds / irritant plants in your backyard, examples of common irritant plants including wandering jew, scurvy weed and inch plant etc. 
8. Don't forget to clean and trim the hair around the eyes to prevent them from causing irritation to the eyes
9. If your pet has a pink nose / white tipped ears, please prevent them sunbathing by drawing down the curtains and applying pet-only sunscreen products. That would help to prevent skin cancer development.
10. Last but not least, if you notice any problem with your pet's skin; please do not hesitate to contact us.